In an attempt to ease the strain on my boyfriend, I have started this blog. Poor BF is the victim of my food obsession. He often sits at the table befuddled, as I discuss what to have for breakfast just after finishing a hearty dinner. A bite cannot pass his lips without a post-prandial deconstruction - was it too salty? Flavourless? Should I have used cherry over grape tomatoes? Too little foies gras? Does homebrand spam taste any different to the original?
Another motivation for starting this blog was the lack of Gold Coast dining reviews. Whenever I plan on dining at a new venue I will cyber stalk it. I go in search of reviews to confirm if my choice of restaurant is a good one. Most of the reviews available on GC restaurants tend to be on forum-like sites. Whilst I have often dined out on the suggestion of such sites, some of the reviews reek of bias. I love the inclusion of photos in reviews, so armed with my BlackBerry, I will endeavour to add as many poorly pixelated photos as possible.
I've visited a couple of restaurants since the inception of this blog, and unfortunately they weren't fantastic. I'd rather not start this off with gripes, so I'm saving my first food related post for an enjoyable one.
I'm off for brekfast at Watt in New Farm tomorrow, followed by lunch at Panyiri. I'm sure both of these will be inspiring. I heard a whisper that 300kg of halloumi (squeek!) has been stockpiled for the Greek festival... perfect! I can't wait to indulge in some grilled baby octopus, souvlaki, taramasalata with pita finished off with a generous serve of galaktoboureko.
Last night Ally, Ash, Clint & I were at Leon's (after finding out that Efe's weren't accepting take-away orders last night - oh the feeling of drooling over the thought of babaganoush only to be told 'No take away orders tonight' argh!). Anyhow Ally & I were talking (drooling) over food stories at dinner and I see Clint shake his head at Ash. Kind of reminded me of Si when you & I used to drool over food years ago. Boys just don't get it ;)